From the 29th of September until the 4th of October 2015, I will be taking part in an Early Music Festival – in partnership with the Wesley Music Centre in Canberra Australia. This will include lectures on early music and holding student masterclasses.
In 2015 the School of Music in Canberra marks its fiftieth anniversary with a celebratory programme of musical events and distinguished visitors.
Founded as the Canberra School of Music in 1965, the ANU School of Music has over the past half-century firmly established itself as one of the nation’s leading music institutions. Alongside a core commitment to the teaching of performance, the School has also developed significant specialist interests and areas of expertise, and one feature of the year will be to focus on five such areas in which the School has made, and continues to make, a world-leading contribution to Australian global musical culture.
Among other planned events, leading figures in five of these fields, all with significant connections to the ANU School of Music, have been invited to be 50th Anniversary Distinguished-Artists-in-Residence for 2015. They are:
Stephen Wild (Indigenous Australian Music) George Dreyfus (Composition) Robyn Holmes (Australian Classical Music History) David Worrall (Digital Sonic Arts) Anna Freeman (Historically Informed Performance Practice)
For more information: